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Viral photo: "Angry Woman" at Bengaluru vegetable market

"Poop Tomatoes" sprout on UK beaches due to sewage dumps

Viral TikTok: self-checkout pronounces "Organic Bananas" hilariously

Potato parcel: quirky messaging service

Grape waste reduces methane emissions in dairy cattle

Engineering students develop stronger, waterproof banana fiber tiles

McDonald’s sweet potato ice cream delights

Princess Anne's unique banana preference

Prime video: "Panchayat" promoted with printed bottle gourds

Customer dissatisfied with vegetable portion size from delivery service

Monkeys menace pineapple farm

Proper corn on the cob etiquette revealed

Euro 2024: no fruit for fans, sausages get pricey

Viral video exposes use of chemicals on cabbage in India

Unusual culinary fusion: Durian stir-fry

Match sweetcorn eating stands at 52 ears in 12 minutes

Crucial nutrients for breastfeeding moms from broccoli

haertwarmion vodei

Cow expresses love to vegetable vendor

Papaya Instead of Cake Goes Viral

Diet rich in fruits and vegetables linked to enhanced relationship satisfaction

Mathematical mango pricing: a fruit seller's viral equation

Broccoli haircut is a hot trend

Carrot harvest uncovers ancient coin treasure

Garlic farmer's fury ignites wealth gap debate

Triathlon Triumph: racing with bananas

Peruvian farmer claims world's oldest man record at 124 years

Pilot tattoos favorite crop: courgette

Record for fastest marathon in fruit costume

Pringles and Crocs unveil snack-friendly boots in limited-edition collaboration

Pineapple Passion

Man made a flute out of a carrot and it works perfectly

Why are vegetarian meals on planes so bad?

Local identity fuels fashion: Uttaradit's Durian-themed apparel attracts tourists

Students innovate with eco-friendly inks from fruit and vegetable leftovers

Banana outrage: the new focus of Delta Airlines lounge controversy

Cost-benefit analysis of banana peels and sweet potato vines in rabbit diets

Scorpion concealed in Costco bananas stings man

'Irresistible Grapes' video surpasses 96m views

Bill Gates' farm among suppliers of potatoes for McDonald's fries

Mystery creature strikes Jamaican banana farm, igniting fears of an invasive threat

Enchanting hazelnut fragrances: from gourmet delights to perfumed elegance